6901 Highway 0, Hartford, WI 53027 | 262-673-3720 School Hours 7:55 AM - 3:15 PM

300 Policies

312Character Education/Core Values
313Annual Notice of Academic Standards
321School Calendar/Year & School Day
323.1Pledge of Allegiance/Special Observance Days/Days
331.1Curriculum Proposals
331.1(R)Textbook Selection & Adoption Rule
333Parent Rights and District Programs/Activities
333(R)Parent Rights and District Programs/Activities Rule
341.23Academic and Career Planning
342.1Students with Disabilities
342.2Homebound Instruction
342.2(R)Homebound Instruction Rule
342.3Gifted and Talented
342.4Programs for Children at Risk
342.5Federal Grants
342.7English Language Learners
342.7(R)Guidelines for Identifying and Reporting English
Language Learners
342.8Section 504 Educational Opportunities
342.9Early Childhood Programs
343.1Grouping/Scheduling for Instruction
343.1(R)Grouping/Scheduling for Instruction Rule
344.61Home-Based Education Assistance and Transfers
345.1Grading Systems
345.4(R)Promotion/Retention/Acceleration Rule
345.41Promotion of Kindergarten, 4th and 8th Grade
346Student Assessments
347Student Records
347(R)Student Records Rule
347(F)Student Records Form
352Field Trips
352(R)Field Trips Rule
352(R2)Field Trips Rule-Chaperones
352(F)Field Trips Form
352(F2)Chaperone Emergency Consent Form
353.1School Volunteers
353.1(F)School Volunteers Form
353.11Volunteer Coaches
353.11(F)Volunteer Letter of Understanding
361.1Instructional Materials Selection
361.1(R)Materials Selection Guideline Rule
361.2Library Materials Selection
361.2(R)Library Material Selection Rule
361.2(F)Request for Reconsideration of Materials
361.5(R)Copyright Rule
362Instructional Media Centers(Libraries)
363.2Internet Safety and Acceptable Use
363.2(F1)Internet Access and Network Use Form
363.2(F2)Internet Access and Network Use Form
363.3Assistive Technology
372Student Publications
372(R)Student Publications Rule
377Interscholastic Athletics
377(R)Interscholastic Athletics Code, Guideline & Rule
383Animals on School Grounds
383(R)Animals on School Grounds Rule